All of the girls were new to the sport and have worked extremely hard to learn all of the positions , tactics , passes and most importantly teamwork . The girls have been training during lunch times with Miss Broadbent & the shooters have been spotted early before school practicing their shooting . They have developed as team week by week and their progress has been commented on by many teachers and officials within the league .
In their most recent game they won 10-3 against Mossford Green B . This was a fantastic reflection of their hard work as in the first round of the competition they were beaten by Mossford by a huge goal margin .
There is 1 netball rally left for the team to compete in however due to the huge success of the team and growing participation numbers in training we are looking to running inter house netball competitions later in the summer term and inviting teams to complete in friendly games with our new netball posts and court lines.
Well done to all of the year 5 & 6 girls who have been regularly training , competing and practising . They have represented John Bramston brilliantly and should be very proud of their personal and team achievements .
Year 6 team
Kalila GA
Tommi Jo GD
Demi WA
Charlotte GS
Tia C
Amani WA/C
Emile GK
Sopna WD/WA
Naomi GK/WD
Year 5 team
Nikki GS
Claudia C
Maddie GK/GD
Kotryna WD/GK